In the promotion of creative art production and cultural content creation, the autonomy of arts organizations is critical. Nevertheless, the autonomy of Korean art organizations is jeopardized by the impact of governmental control. This study examines the situation of the National Theater Company of Korea as a case study, utilizing a new institutional theory framework to analyze both external institutional factors such as policies and regulations, as well as internal norms and culture-cognitive institutions. The findings indicate that despite attempts to establish autonomy, the National Theater Company of Korea has not effectively secured full operational autonomy. In particular, the analysis reveals that short-term performance evaluation is a significant contributing factor in the infringement of autonomy in arts organizations.
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- Publisher :Research Institute of Creative Contents
- Publisher(Ko) :글로컬문화전략연구소
- Journal Title :The Journal of Culture Contents
- Journal Title(Ko) :문화콘텐츠연구
- Volume : 27
- No :0
- Pages :121~165
- DOI :https://doi.org/10.34227/tjocc.2023..27.121